"I am marching to express my satisfaction with the constitutional ruling that nullified the Anti-homosexulity Act and to show the entire world that Uganda has gays who are willing to fight for there rights all the way, with or without the law, i also do this to speak and standout for the voiceless and many of my friends still in the closet and fighting in denial."

"This is Post Anti Homosexual Act Pride. To me this is important that we communicate the rest of the world that we are Ugandans and we are still in Uganda."

"I am marching for those who cannot, I am wearing a mask, standing in solidarity with all my comrades who cannot show their faces, because of obvious reasons ( for fear of persecutions, discriminations, harassments and many more) but also to send a strong message to the general public that the person you are condemning could be your daughter, your son, father, mother, teacher, priest and MP etc.. so before your cast a stone, try to understand why the person is different"

"I am marching to express my satisfaction with the constitutional ruling that nullified the Anti-homosexulity Act and to show the entire world that Uganda has gays who are willing to fight for there rights all the way, with or without the law, i also do this to speak and standout for the voiceless and many of my friends still in the closet and fighting in denial."
"This is Post Anti Homosexual Act Pride. To me this is important that we communicate the rest of the world that we are Ugandans and we are still in Uganda."
"I am marching for those who cannot, I am wearing a mask, standing in solidarity with all my comrades who cannot show their faces, because of obvious reasons ( for fear of persecutions, discriminations, harassments and many more) but also to send a strong message to the general public that the person you are condemning could be your daughter, your son, father, mother, teacher, priest and MP etc.. so before your cast a stone, try to understand why the person is different"