3月17日はアイルランドの聖人、聖パトリックをお祝いする聖パトリックデイだ。 アイルランド系移民が多い、ボストンでは聖パトリックは大きなお祭り騒ぎの1日となる。2003年の聖パトリックデイ、私はまだ大学生だった。
St. Patrick's day is a cultural and religious day, celebrated on March 17. It is usually a big party for college students and young professionals in Boston. On St. Patrick's day day in 2003, I was an undergraduate, living in North End, Boston. Coming from Japan, I was not familiar with the customs & traditions of St. Patty's day, but I went out to a nearby bar with my friends anyway. When I came home and turned on TV around midnight, breaking news was that Bush administration (43rd) had just begun bombing Baghdad, Iraq. Live broadcast from Baghdad looked like big firework repeatedly exploding on the ground to my eyes.
I am not being political to discuss whether I agree with 43rd, or not. I remember I felt strange myself thinking that "war & faraway land". I used to fantasize Baghdad as a mysterious & magical city of Arabian Night as a young girl, I felt really sad that it was being burned down to ashes.