the-end-of-2013's resolution: I will be better at keeping up blog posting....
I was in NJ for work this weekend. On the way back to Boston, we stopped by Liberty State Park in Jersey City, NJ. There, we found Empty Sky, the official NJ 9/11 memorial to the state victims of the 9/11 attacks. As I walked through the memorial, I read so many names of different nationalities engraved on the memorial walls. I was reminded that how diverse America was... I found 2 Japanese names there too.
I photographed a man who stood in the middle of the memorial, and gazed at the corner of the wall for sometime. He knew someone whose name was engraved on the wall.
October14 , 2013, Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ USA:
A man reads names of September 11 victims at "Empty Sky" New Jersey September 11 memorial at Liberty State Park, in Jersey City, NJ. Empty Sky is the official New Jersey September 11 memorial to the state's victims of the September 11 attacks on the United States.
October14 , 2013, Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ USA:
"Empty Sky" New Jersey September 11 memorial at Liberty State Park, in Jersey City, NJ. Empty Sky is the official New Jersey September 11 memorial to the state's victims of the September 11 attacks on the United States.