A few weeks ago, I photographed a Spanish musician, Alejandro Sanz at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. He was in town to receive a honorary degree from Berklee, and he also played his music with the Berklee students.
It was a wonderful performance, and very nice seeing the interaction between Sanz and the students.
2週間ほど前、スペインのシンガーソングライター アレハンドロ サンツ氏が名誉学位をバークレー音楽学院で受領するのを撮影しました。そのあと、氏の音楽をバークレーの学生達による演奏、最後にサンツ氏も演奏に加わりフィナーレと、すばらしかったです。ステージの上での氏と若いバークレーの学生達とのやり取りも、私まで元気がもらえそうな、素敵な雰囲気をもって良かったです。
Alejandro Sanz receives an honorary degree from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA on November 6, 2013. The presentation followed with a concert showcasing his music as interpreted by Berklee students and faculty and also featured Sanz himself on selected songs.