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Welcoming 2013

Year 2012, I cried, I smiled, I felt sad, and I rejoiced, Thank you for everything you have offered me.  Year 2013, I look forward to what you will bring!


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Santa Speedo Run

I photographed beloved Boston Holidays tradition, "Santa Speedo Run" today!!!
So much fun!!!



Here is a little & cool story about the Santa Speedo Run! (from their website)

"It was 2:23 pm on Saturday, December 16th, 2000 and the crowd of holiday shoppers erupted into earth-shattering applause, screaming and cheering as five brave men ran past them on Newbury Street, Boston’s high-end shopping district, wearing nothing but Santa hats, Santa beards and Speedos.

What they didn’t know was that one month earlier, five friends were hanging out at The Sevens bar on Charles Street, as they did every Thursday. Bored with their weekly routine, they tried to think of something ridiculous to do for a laugh. After settling on Newbury Street and Speedos, they set out to recruit what they expected to be about 20 runners.

However, when they showed up at The Sevens that fateful Saturday afternoon, they found it was still just the five of them, frightened and so alone. Realizing what they were about to do, they settled into the bar to “summon up the courage” to carry out the plan.

At 2:20 pm, the five men, now down to their Speedos, hopped out of their friend’s car in front of the Four Seasons, slung a boombox playing The Muppets Christmas Carols over their arm, and began to run.

They didn’t know what to expect from their holiday stunt, but none could have predicted the overwhelmingly positive response they received. And when they finished, they knew they were on to something good. It became clear to them that they could leverage the enthusiasm from the event for a good cause. Thus, the SSRun was born.

In the years since that first run, the number of runners has increased exponentially from the original five to over 500 annual participants.

Over the past 12 years, the SSRun has raised over $1 million for various local children’s charities.  As of 2012, the SSRun will be aligned to the individual cause of raising money for Play Ball Foundation, which provides Boston middle school students with a chance to play, and build friendships and character through the lessons of sports - teamwork, communication and discipline."

Thanksgivind Day at Pine Street Inn

Thanksgiving day at Pine Street Inn, New England's largest homeless shelter. 

11月第4木曜日はアメリカのThanksgiving Day です。この日は日本のお正月みたいに、家族で集まって、七面鳥をたべるのが恒例です。私は今年のThanksgiving Dayは、ニューイングランド地方1大きいホームレスの方々の宿泊施設Pine Street InnのThanksgiving Dayのお食事会を写真家としてボランティアしました。

Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving Dinner
Former U.S Senator Scott Brown and his wife, Gail curve turkey before Thanksgiving dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Former U.S Senator Scott Brown and his wife, Gail curve turkey before Thanksgiving dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Thanksgiving day before the dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Thanksgiving day before the dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Volunteers for Thanksgiving dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Volunteers for Thanksgiving dinner at Pine Street Inn.

A volunteer during Thanksgiving dinner at Pine Street Inn.

A volunteer during Thanksgiving dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Thanksgiving day dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Thanksgiving day dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Thanksgiving day dinner at Pine Street Inn.

Thanksgiving day dinner at Pine Street Inn.

First Snow

1st snow in Boston today.  very chilly and windy.

Last night, U.S. election night,  I spent covering Sen Scott Brown at a hotel in downtown Boston.  The world was buzzed about President Obama 's re-election.  I am not U.S. citizen, but a residence and a member of world citizen, I feel excited about his second term personally.  For covering election night, I worked with writers and filed photographs after midnight, and left a hotel around 2am.   It is a small but luxury boutique hotel in Boston.  As I was leaving the hotel with excitement from a great speech Obama made in Chicago and hopefulness that he got re-elected, I saw a homeless man wondering on street aimlessly looking for a spot to sleep with his tired blanket in his arm. It was a cold night, not as cold as tonight though,  I felt bad and thought about bringing him a cup of hot beverage like hot chocolate.  So I looked around to see if there was any stores like a convenience store still open.  Immediately I could spot at least 5-6 homeless men either sleeping or wondering on the street.  I had so much camera gears and a lap top computer with me, fighting with gravity of the weight on my shoulder and exhausted from the work of last 2 days of covering campaign.  I knew I just could not deliver drinks to everyone I saw.  I felt hopeless and got on the cab and ran away.  Now it is snowing.  I am thankful that I have a roof over my head,  a fire place to sit by on a cold night like this.  And I think about people I saw last night.  I know I am naive,  and hope for the better future.


I have worked on photo story about homeless shalter in Cambridge when I was a photo student. I may not agree with every descions they have made, but surely they deserve warms and a roof over especially on a night like tonight. 


Happy Election Day is OVER!

Presidents and President candidate I photographed last weeks or so.  
Happy Politics!

 President Obama! Nov 4, 2012 NH  :

 Mitt Romney Nov 5, 2012 NH

 President Clinton Nov 4, 2012

President Obama Oct 18, 2012, NH ( yes America will go FORWARD with President Obama :))

On the election day, Nov 6,  I spent covering U.S. Sen Scott Brown.

 Happy Politics!

Photographing President Obama

I photographed President Obama in NH today.  It was not my 1st time to photograph him, but it is always very cool to photograph him~!




Now American flag & Pretty Leaves Pictures!


My mother's Birthday

Today is my Mother's Birthday! To celebrate the very best mother in the world for me, I decided to celebrate her birthday by commemorating her mother: my grandmother.  My grandmother passed away last July.  These are some of the photographs that I have from my grandmother's last years with her.  (Please read about my grandmother & mother in my past blogs1.2).  I also sent her the photographs of her parent's home, where no one lives anymore since my grandmother's passing.  My grandparents owned a small typographic printing company in rural Japan.  When I used to visit my grandparent’s house, as a young child, there was something very mysterious about typographic printing shop, which was part of their house, there were things that were old, dusty and extremely complicated Chinese letters as if they were from the different world.  I loved listening to my mother’s stories of growing up with her siblings in the print shop.  Now, it is empty. I snapped a few photographs there after my grandmother's funeral last year, wondering what would happen to these "things."






 祖母の家/typographic printing shop





小さい頃、風邪をひいた時の思い出、というとまず浮かぶのが、私が熱をだすと母が必ずつくってくれた”すりおろしリンゴ”だ。 ジュースでもなく、どろどろと形を失ったリンゴ、食指が動くとはほど遠い見かけなのだが、高い熱のあるとき、母がスプーンで食べさせてくれた、(大きくなって方は自分が食べたが)すりおろしリンゴは感動するほど美味しかった。



Jacques in Color 9.1.12

Happy Labor Day weekend, America!

My night at Jacques Cabaret on September 1, 2012! This is a loose edit documenary of the night at jacques cabaret!  Thank you to the ladies at Jacques!






Simple truth : photo & I

I am sure like many other photographers, I sometimes find it very difficult to keep going at my (personal -not paid) projects.

 "Why should or would anyone care about what i have to say ? "  is my biggest devil. (Ok i know I am super childish to even think about it...)

It is not like i am saving someone's life.  It is not like I am the only witness and my camera is only testimonial of the tragedy of the world.  I am a simple person and photograph what I see everyday.

I think the hard truth is that probably no one cares about what i have to say.... It is heart breaking everytime I think about it ;(  But what is important is I care what I see, and people I photograph and interact with.

Being behind a camera  sometime is a self indulgence act for me: I love looking at the world through my view finder. I feel being like a queen! ....I like that...(I admit it!)

With that, I have enough self love most of the time to keep my head up and behind the camera, to keep going.  



