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My Dear Pink Phone/私のピンク電話ちゃん

My beat up pink cell phone is retiring today.  Thank you for bearing years of abuse and tears with me.  I will miss you...


St Patrick's Day in 2003/聖パトリックデイの思い出

3月17日はアイルランドの聖人、聖パトリックをお祝いする聖パトリックデイだ。 アイルランド系移民が多い、ボストンでは聖パトリックは大きなお祭り騒ぎの1日となる。2003年の聖パトリックデイ、私はまだ大学生だった。



St. Patrick's day is a cultural and religious day, celebrated on March 17.  It is usually a big party for college students and young professionals in Boston.  On St. Patrick's day day in 2003, I was an undergraduate, living in North End, Boston.  Coming from Japan, I was not familiar with the customs & traditions of St. Patty's day, but I went out to a nearby bar with my friends anyway.  When I came home and turned on TV around midnight,  breaking news was that Bush administration (43rd)  had just begun bombing Baghdad, Iraq.  Live broadcast from Baghdad looked like big firework repeatedly exploding on the ground to my eyes.

I am not being political to discuss whether I agree with 43rd, or not.  I remember I felt strange myself thinking that "war & faraway land".  I used to fantasize Baghdad as a mysterious & magical city of Arabian Night as a young girl, I felt really sad that it was being burned down to ashes.  


Untitled:  /題名なし

I try to go to Jacques Cabaret every Saturday.  It is not always possible, but I try it anyway.  I have declared Saturday to be my "Jacques Night".  It is my time to enjoy myself, be creative with color & light and experiment with my camera without any responsibility: it is my photo night. 

So march 10 2012 was no exception, I went to Jacques Cabaret.  On march10, it is a kind of special day for us, Japanese, because a year ago on March 11,2011, the huge tsunami hit northern region of Japan, followed by the nuclear disaster.  

I started photographing Drag Queens 2011 series right before the tsunami.  (I had previously photograph them in 2007 Jacques Cabaret)

I don't know how much the crisis had effected on my style of shooting, but I changed my stance as a photographer in 2011. I used to seek to minimalize my own presence as in the past (like a "fly on the wall"), I consciously acknowledged it (myself)  this time. In 2007 I was afraid of everything. I feared that by being there it would have change the group dynamics of the environment and I would have ruined my “documentary photographs”. I realize now that “I” have to be there to make a picture.  I now want to photograph “my experience”, rather than being an observer in my photograph. I feel my erge for this is getting stronger with color photographs (Jacques in Color)

I cannot believe that it has already been a year since the disaster.


毎週土曜日は私のジャックスキャバレーの日だ。 私は自分で土曜日はジャックスの日。と決めて毎週写真を撮りにいっている。土曜ジャックスの日は私にとって、光、陰、色で遊び、自分勝手にクリエイティブになれる大切な日だ。先週末の3月10日もジャックスにいってきた。

先週の土曜日、3月10日は去年の東日本大震災から1年たつ日の前日でもあり、心の沈む日である。 私は去年バウハウスで個展を開かせていただいたDrag Queen 2011のシリーズをこの震災直前から撮影を開始していた。私は2007年に一度ジャックスキャバレーを撮影している。東日本大震災が自分自身の写真に何らかの衝撃を与えたのか、など考えたことは、 なかったが、今思うと 私は写真のなかに自分が「いる」か、ということにこのDrag Queen2011 シリーズから固執はじめた気がする。見学者としての写真との関わり方より、自分の経験、自分の息吹が写真から聞こえる写真が撮りたい、いう執着は今年になってカラー作品を撮り始めるようになって強くなってきた気がする。


(photo 3/10/12)



Wake for Anthony Depina お通夜

先週末に近所の人がなくなった。ストリートバイオレンスで彼は殺された。お向かいの通りの5.6軒先にすんでいたアンソニーという24歳の男の子だった。私はアンソニーとそんなに親しくしていたわけではないが、路で会えば挨拶する、時間があれば立ち話をする、という仲だった。年齢より幼く見える彼が嬉しいそうに 「21歳になったんだ(アメリカの法律で認めれた飲酒年齢、お祝いしてよ」と笑っていたのをつい最近のように思い出せる。

今日、近所の教会でお通夜があったので、いってきた。彼の棺はあいて祭壇にかざられており、親族が最前列にすわり、来た人はアンソニーの顔をみて最後のさよならができるようになっていた。私は重い気持ちで最後のお別れをいいにきた人の列に加わり、祭壇に向かっていった。突然逝ってしまった若いアンソニー。教会は来た人たちの忍び鳴き、アンソニーのお母さんの嗚咽、時々きこえるラジエーターの音であふれていた。”WHY” 逝ってしまったアンソニーの恋人(アンソニーとの間に2歳のあかちゃんがいる)が泣き崩れた。”WHY WHY WHY”




I went to the wake for Anthony Depina at the nearby church, St. Patrick tonight.  He was a friend of mine and a neighbor who was killed last Friday.  Anthony was 24 years old.  We were not particularly close, but he was someone whom I greeted and chatted with on street corner.  I recall him telling " I turned 21 last weekend" : it feels like a few months ago.  During the wake, the casket was open so that everyone could say a last good-bye to him.  As I got in line to go up to the alter where the casket was located, the church was filled with cries, sob from his mother, and occasional radiators echoing its high ceiling. Anthony’s girlfriend who is also the mother of his 2 year old baby was saying “WHY” and broke down in tears. WHY WHY WHY.

I walked home in rain after the wake.  When I got to the end of Monadnock Street, I ran into my friend Calito, who was also present at the wake tonight.  We walked together in silence.  As we were approaching my house, I looked at him and said, "Promise me that you won’t die".  He looked at me and smiled sadly, said, "OK, I promise".


Hanging out with Fabulous Dahlia Black

I had a fabulous photo shoot with Dahlia Black.  She is a trans female / drag performer, I met at Jacques Cabaret in Boston last year!  It was fun to photograph her and cool to watch as she was becoming to be Dahlia Black the performer!

去年ジャックスキャバレーで知り合った、ドラッグクイーンのお姐さんミス ダリアブラックを撮影しました。トランスフォーム!!

we went to get pizza during the shoot! 途中でピザ食べにいきました。

 behind the scenes  

 Me working to fix a backdrop (photo credit: ©Dahlia Black)


Sharing My Family Album/ 廣見家のアルバム 2011年 冬



父、入院。まず父は病人みたいでいやだと、手術直前まで、Yシャツとブレザーで過ごした。携帯片手にブレーザーを着て、病院の庭を闊歩する父は点滴さえなければ健常者そのものだった。手術当日はさすがに病院着にきがえたが、手術後の父の第一声は「銭形平次はどこですか?」だった。 手術中いったいどんな夢を見ていたのだろう。




My father stayed in hospital for about 3 weeks last November.  Everything started when he had his routine physical check up.  He was diagnosed at a very 1st stage of colon cancer.  He had to have a surgery, which means he had to be admitted to a hospital.  It was his 1st hospital stay in his adult life, since he had dysentery and stayed at isolation ward at his very early age.

It was a big deal for us, since he is the head of the house ( and he acts like that).  He refused to discuss his needs at the hospital.  My mother had to run around, guess what he might want at hospital, and get from pajamas to anything else needed.  Since my father choose not to talk about it, I had to step in to pick his hospital pajamas that my mother had bought for him.  My favorite's had be those one with sheep patterned and my mother proudly announced that she had picked them, because she was born in a year of sheep in Chinese calendar, therefore sheep would protect my father.

When my father was admitted to the hospital, he refused to wear the hospital clothes; instead he wore his shirt and sport jacket.  With his cell phone in hand, walking around the hospital garden in his sport jacket, you would think that he was a visitor, not a patient, if he did not have IV.  On the day of his surgery, he did finally wear his hospital wear.  

What was the most difficult part for my family during his hospital stay was the time after his surgery.  He did not take it easy and he kept saying " don’t come visit me".  One night, the three of us finally sat down together at his hospital room.  He began lecturing me how immature I was as a woman from the way I put make up to how I carried myself in public.  I have to be honest that I felt a little bit sad: I understood his worry that I am 31 years old unmarried woman and trying to make it as a photographer in America.  However I could not feel nothing but denied of everything about myself.  After his prep talk, he seemed to be tired as it was getting late at night.  My mother and I had to go home.  As he was opening the door for us, he kept saying all things he had said, because he cared for me.  As he was opening the door, big tears came out his eyes; That was the 1st time that I saw my father crying.

Stunned to have seen his tear for the 1st time, I stayed silent in the elevator, my mother opened her mouth said "this hospital stay really makes him think of mortality and You".

(写真は父の入院中に病院で撮影しました。/All photos were taken at the hospital during his stay)



My father got out of the hospital after 3 weeks.  He is recovering very well, already running around and being himself again. :) 



Update on "Monadnock Street" print production/ご近所プロジェクト"Monadnock Street" 作品制作アップデート

So, I have been working on printing "Monadnock Street" this year.  Here are some update on the print production!!

ご近所プロジェクト"Monadnock Street" の新しいイメージの作品制作過程のアップデートです★ (iPod Pictures)

 This gentleman's father (71) had been killed during robbery a day before the photo was taken. He was keeping cadles lit for vigile infront of the store where the crime took palce.  Police arrrested 2 teennagers ( 16 & 17 years old) for the crime.



Summer at Community Garden






Printing at darkroom


Photography & Me: 写真と私

After having spent much time on producing "Drag Queen 2011" last year, I finally went back to work on my neighborhood project "Monadnock Street".  I have so much catch up printing to do for this project.  "Monadnock Street" is my neighborhood project:  I moved in the area 5 years ago and have been photographing ever since.

I printed more photographs from this series 2 days ago, and looked through some of them tonight.  I feel that these photographs need "voice". 

When I photographed "Drag Queen 2011" last year, I knew exactly how I wanted to shoot: I wanted "sexy", "fun", "playful', "film noir", "light & shadow (physically & metaphysically)“, "show biz" and visual diversities from my "Jacques Cabaret 2007".  I don't think "Monadnock Street" is bad, but definitely is lacking something. As I was observing each photograph from the series, I realized that it was "ME" that is lacking of.  

Now, I am going to edit these pictures in mind.  We will see how many I would have in this series by next month...But I feel better now that I somewhat figured it out...

I always say "Monadnock Street" is a very personal project'". It is like my personal journal.  How boring is that to read a journal without a main act.   I need to make sure that I am in those photographs. 


昨年の大半を"Drag Queen 2011"シリーズの制作に費やしたので、ほとんど休業状態だったご近所プロジェクト"Monadnock Street"の編集、プリント制作を2日前から開始した。このご近所プロジェクトは5年前に引っ越してきて以来撮っているのだが、このシリーズには本当に”人”として成長させてもらったと思っている作品である。

しかし久しぶりにプリント制作をして改めて並べて見ていると、"Drag Queen 2011"と比べて決定的な”声”というのだろうか、なにかが、が欠けていることに気がついた。去年撮影した"Drag Queen 2011"はセクシー、光と陰(実像と抽象的)、ザッツエンターテーメント、どうやったら2007年にとったジャックスキャバレーと視覚的に変えられるか、ということを徹底的にゴールにして撮っていった。それに比べて"Monadnock Street"はまあ、構図としては悪くない写真群だが、なにか決定的なものが欠けている写真が多いことに気がついた。テーブルにプリントを並べてじっくりこの写真達がなにを伝えたがってるんだろう、と観察してみると、多くの写真の欠けているものが少しずつ見えてきた、気がした。それは「私」だった。

"Monadnock Street"はいわば私の経験、思い出、日記のようなものだ、といつも思っている。主人公のいない日記なんてこんなつまらないものなんてない、と思う。

自分のことをそんなに写真撮るのは下手だとは思いたくないけど、この結論を頭にいれて"Monadnock Street"の溜まったぶんの編集、プリント制作に望んだら、来月何枚くらい手元にのこるんだろう、と思うと怖い気がする。でもこういうふうに思えたことでも少しすっきりした気もする。


Drag Queen 2012

SO, last weekend, I returned to Jacques Cabaret for the 1st time this year.  I was in Japan for my show "Drag Queen 2011" last November & December; it has been almost 2.5months since I went to Jacques last time.

I had been wanting to come back to Jacques since I came back to Boston at the very end of last year. Due to getting rid of jetlug and "working for living", I could not go back to Jacques... till Last weekend!!!

It was so nice to see my beautiful queens!

先週末今年にはいってからはじめてジャックスキャバレーにいって参りました! 昨年11月、12月とギャラリーバウハウスでの個展Drag Queen 2011のため、日本に帰国していたのでジャックスにいくのは2ヶ月半ぶり。本当は個展終了後、アメリカに戻ってきてから、ずっといかなくては!と思っていたのですが、時差ぼけやら、仕事やらで先週末までなかなか時間がつくれずに、、、(泣)


i know, I have a thing for fishnet...



funny faced Dee


New floor!!
