Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
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Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I like walking streets of Paris. I like walking, I like taking pictures as I walk. When I do " street photography", I use black and white films, it is my relaxing, inspiring and "my time"!
I was walking around Place Victor Hugo towards Eiffel Tower in Paris, which is one of my favorite places to walk around in the world! As I was walking, I saw a group of women taking cigarette break. By the time I reached to the group of woman, most of them had gone back inside but 1 woman still smoking. I approached her and said "bonjour" and pointed at my camera. She looked at me with smile and thought that I wanted her to take a picture of me with my camera. As she realized that I wanted to photograph her, she shyed away with her smile and laughed. I was not that super disappointed, but it was more like "ok, I tried,,, " As she was having a light laugh about the idea that I wanted to photograph her, she paused for a moment and agreed to be photographed.
この写真はパリのビクターヒューゴ プレイスのあたりを歩いている時に撮影した女性の写真だ。エッフェル塔に向かって歩いていた時、道の先に喫煙ブレークをしている女性のグループを見かけた。私が彼女たちのところに歩いてたどり着くころには、1人の女性を残して皆、喫煙を終わらせて中に戻ってしまっていた。私はその女性にボンジュールと声をかけ、カメラを指差しながら、写真を撮っていいですか、とジェスチャーしてみた。彼女を優しそうな笑顔をみせてくれた。ただ私のジェスチャーが悪かったのか彼女は私がカメラで私の写真を撮ってもらいたがってる、と思ったらしい。『違うんです、あなたの写真が撮りたいんです。』とやっと伝えると、その女性は『あらっ』とばかりに笑って、照れたように、だめよ。と手を振った。私は断られたことはそんなに気にしなかった。『聞くだけきいたし、だめかー』みたいな感じに受け止めた、と思う。その女性はくすくす笑っていたのだが、ふ、と止まって、『フフフいいわよ』と、でもいうようにOKしてくれた。
When you travel abroad alone, and you dont' speak the language, you have very limited time interacting with people. During my trip to France, I could not interact with many people, I think that is why I remember much better about even small interactions than the usual: her gaze, his smile, and how she paused etc...
I took this photo the day I was returning to Paris from Arles. I was looking for a mail box, so that I could send postcards to my family and friends in Japan & U.S.. I had been walking all afternoon under Provence sun with my carry-on and a camera bag on the shoulder. I was exhausted and hot. I was worried that my sweat would smudge the ink on the cards as I held them in my hands. On top of that, I had my heels on walking around on cobblestone streets of Arles, as I could not fit my heels into my carry on. I finally arrived at the post office building in Arles. She was sitting in front of the post office. I tried to find a mail boxt outside. But I did not see any. I was quite fed of the idea of going in and hoped for someone who would be nice to me. I sighed, and dragged my feet and carry-on to the entrance of the post office. As I was about to push the heavy door, the woman called "Madam", She pointed at the corner of the building, said something in French and smiled. I liked her smile... I headed where she had pointed, around the corner, I found a mail box.
I walked to her, said "Merci"with my broekn French and gestured if I can photograph her. She nodded and smiled.
Coming back from my fun but exhausting Arles trip last week, I went to shoot Jacques Cabaret. It was so nice to see familiar friendly faces!
I did received a lot of constructive feedback and made the connection with some critics in Arles. I hope that it will be long term mentoring process with them for me... I sent "thank you email" to the reviewers I met in Arles, Some did wrote back to me. One female critic wrote back to me: "...Thank you very much for your kind message. I perfectly remember your portfolio, and I like this project. ... You have a personal style which is a very important ground to succeed in the difficult project that you are dealing with" Now, she may just being polite, But this mail made mevery happy!!I usually don't expect anyone to reply thank you mail, as i assume they are getting millions of "thank you email" from photographers they reviewed.
Anyway, I just secured my wet darkroom access for next few months tonight at new england school of Phtography and excited to begin developing negatives from the trip tomorrow!
先週、笑いあり、涙ありのアルル巡礼からかえってきました! 土曜日にはジャックスキャバレーに撮影にいき、久しぶりにある懐かしい笑顔にすっかりいやされました。
I attended international Arles Photo Festival “Les Recontres d’Arles 2012” I flew to Paris and took a train to Arles. My trip to France this time, in short, was hard, very very hard. I experienced a lot of misfortunes and discouragements in both cities. But the last 2 days I stayed in Maeve resort, outside of City Arles, was full of magic and enlightenment.
…On the night of July 7 after all my reviews were finished, I walked back to my hotel, Maeve resort that is outside of city Arles. I was really depressed, discouraged, despaired, all the things and very hungry. But all the restaurants were closed. I asked for a glass of red wine, they did not offer red. So I had a glass of rose. I was alone in the bar feeling really miserable after the horrible review with that French woman in the afternoon. A young French waiter came and asked me other patrons at the bar wanted to know why I looked so sad. I looked up at him and said “because I am sad” and my tears streamed down on my cheek. Next thing I knew that “the other patrons” at the bar who had asked about me, came around my seat and tried to cheer me up. There were 2 middle aged couples that barely speak English but French… and me, no French at all. They said something like “ why are you sad, sky is blue, its beautiful summer, don't be sad”
Who knew that it was just the beginning of wonderful Southern French/Provence hospitality I received for next 2 days.
I don't ever know where to begin or how to tell you a full version of my trip… I photographed in Paris, Arles and Maeve resort. I am looking forward developing these negatives very much, after I get home in Boston. Once photos are printed, I may not have to tell you any stories : you know a photo is supposed to be worth 1000 words. I am on train now from Arles to Paris. Just in case I would forget to mention anyone from Maeve. I would like to write down the wonderful personalities I met in Maeve resort.
Jessica: A short haired cute aspiring French photographer who lives with her family and her boyfriend in Caravan.
Tony: fun loving French man whom you can just tell he has a good heart
Selina: Tony’s girlfriend, a gentle soul
Tonio & Morgan: Tony and Selina’s cute kids
Mitchel: a French woman with lots of spunks
Guido: Shy-ish cute smile French waiter who speak English.
Sango: Half Japanese-French hard working high school student who wishes to fly around the world someday.
アルル国際写真フェスティバルでの最後の写真レビューが終わった7月9日の夜、私はしょんぼりと一人で郊外にとったMaeve リゾートというホテルまで歩いて帰ってきた。その日の午後はとてもきついフランス人の女性とのレビューが最後で精神的にコテンパンにやられた、といった感じだった。ホテルに帰ってきて、おなかがぺこぺこだったのでレストランを探したら、もう閉店後といわれたので、バーにいった。バーもキッチンがしまった後だったが、お腹になんでもいいから入れたい気持ちと午後からひきずっているやるせない気持ちからロゼを注文した。一人で惨めな気持ちで座っていたら、若いフランス人のウェイターがやってきて、「他のお客さんたちが「あの子はなんで悲しそうなの」って心配していますよ」といった。私は彼の若い笑顔を見ながら「それは私が悲しいからよ」といったら涙が自然とぽろぽろ落ちてきた。それをみていた 「あの子はなんで悲しそうなの」と聞いた「他のお客さんたち」の2組の40代位のカップルがびっくりしてやってきた、片言の英語で空は綺麗で夏なのに、なんで悲しいの。と私が笑顔になれるように質問をしたり、賑やかにしてくれた。彼らはほとんど英語が喋れず、フランス語オンリー、私はフランス語全くだめ。それでも通じるものがあった、というのだろうか。これが私のMaeveで過ごして、出会った人たちとのマジカルな2日間の始まりだった。
行った先々でフィルム写真を撮ったのでボストンに戻ったあと現像するのがたのしみだ。写真ができたら、もっと詳しく旅行のことを書きたいと思う。今はアルルからパリに戻る電車の中だ。今はまずMaeve で、出会った人たちをだれもわすれたくないから、書き置いておきたいと思う。
Last cafe in Arles アルル最後のコーヒー
I graduated from New England School of Photography in Boston, MA around this time 7 years ago.
7 years ago :Just completed my program there majoring in photojournalism: just moved to Monadnock Street, Dorchester, just started my job and dying to want to be like Eugene Richard.... wow,,,that was my 7 years ago...
I began photographing 3 projects around that time, "Monadnock Street", "Toddy" and "Bread and Jam". Monadnock street is the only project that I am still working on. "Toddy" was a woman I met through project Hope of Dorchester, living at Codman Sq with her niece and her sister's family, who was trying to get her life together after moving out of Homeless shelter. "Bread and Jam" is a Cambridge based NPO helping homeless population and provide day-time home for the homeless.
I never had define endings of the 2 projects "Toddy" and "Bread and Jam". They sort of ended themselves through time.
It's been 7 years... where were you 7 years ago? and where would you be in 7 years? to think of future is a bit scary and tons of excitement...
Here are some from my very 1st project: Bread and Jam Day center. I found these scanned photographs from my old hard drive.... hope to share a complete set of this project with you someday...
7年前の今頃, 私はボストンにある写真専門学校二ソップを卒業した。
卒業直後に私は3つのプロジェクロを撮影始めた。”モナドナックストリート”、”トディー” そして”ブレッド&ジャム”だ。残念なことに今でも継続しているのは”モナドナックストリート”だけとなってしまった。”トディー”はドーチェスターのNPO,プロジェクトホープを通して知り合ったコッドマンスクエアに姪と妹家族と一緒に住んでいる女性で、ホームレスシェルターをからでたあとの"安定した人生"を目指していた。”ブレッド&ジャム”はケンブリッジ市のホームレス援助のNPOでホームレスの人たちのためのデータイムセンターを運営している。”
Every weekend as much as possible, i try to go to jacques's cabaret in Boston, MA. Jacques's cabaret is 1 of the oldest venues for drag queen performance in New England, USA, which is where i photographed Jacques Cabaret 2007, Drag queen 2011 & Jacques in Color ( on going)
As disorganized as I am, I took a taxi (in stead of taking public transportation) to get to the Jacques's Cabaret tonight. While in a cab, I killed time by chatting the regular routine with a cab driver: " how is your night?? you know the same all same... busy...etcetera....
when I was getting off the car, the taxi driver suddently turned back and smiled at me :" Remember... Life is beautiful..."
I know it must be the same gimmick that he must say to every passenger,,, but it did get me thinking....
Life IS beautiful...
I hope that you feel the same way tonight...
このごろ週末が忙しくなってきたが、毎中末できる限りボストンのジャックスキャバレーにいくように努力している。ジャックスキャバレーはJacques's Cabaret2007、Drag Queen 2011 & Jacques in Colorの撮影場所だ。今週末は今晩の金曜しか、いけるチャンスがない!!。。。相変わらず1日の計画をたてるのが下手な私は結局今夜はお金がかかるがタクシーでジャックスキャバレーに向かった。タクシーの中では運転手さんといつもの他愛もない定番な会話:調子はどうですか、、、忙しくてこまっちゃう。。。みたいな会話を壊れたレコードのように繰り返した。
タクシーから降りる直前、運転手さんは定番の枠をはずれて不意に私にむかって後ろに振り返り”Remember, Life is Beautiful..."と笑いかけた。
”Life is beautiful...."hope you feel that way tonight.
I feel like i am being chased by things i want to do & I have to do as a photographer... Many exciting opportunities to showcase my work and going to portfolio review keep me very busy this spring, lots of printing, preparing presentation etc... I have not even caught up printing from Japan... the oldest ones I have, 2 projects from 7 years ago that I have not even finished printing,,, I am still shooting my neighborhood project "Monacnock Street" and "Jacques in Color", then needing to catch up with printing from years ago. I know I really need to get into the gear of better time managing... It is never ending battle.
I HAVE to produce prints, so that I can show them to people.
I WANT to photograph my projects, because I am a photographer.
It is usually wanting to shoot wins,,,,, so that more printing to catch up later..
このごろ、やりたいことと、やらなくてはいけないことに常に追われている気がする。この春はたくさんの展示会の機会に恵まれ、ポートフォリオレビューにもいっちゃたりして、写真家としてがんばって発表している。。。と思う。展示会、レビューのプリント制作、準備エトセトラ。。。 私はプリントをためてしまうので、去年の日本撮影、1番古くて7年前のまだ未発表、プリントしていないプロジェクトがあったりする。。。時間を有効にちゃんと使えるようにならなくてはいけない。。。
I had wonderful time at Artist Reception of Drag Queen Exhibition at Davis Orton Gallery in Hudson, NY on April 21. Artist reception was conjunct with "Art in Hudson": local galleries and restaurants night out! It was so much fun!!
The dress I was wearing for the reception is designed by my college roommate, Luciana Scarabello who is currently competing NBC reality TV show Fahsion Star. This dress is her 1st sale, to Saks Fifth!!! So proud of her!!! She is a rock star!!
4月21日にアップステート ニューヨーク ハドソン市で開催中の私のドラッグクーイン展示会のレセプションにいってまいりました!21日土曜の夜のレセプションはアートとアンティークの街ハドソンのギャラリー/レストランナイトと同時開催でたくさんの方々においでいただき、とても楽しい一時を過ごしました。
レセプションには私の大学時代のルームメート,とってもセクシーな ルチアナ スカラベロがデザイン、現在高級デパートサックスフィフスで販売中のちょっと恥ずかしかったけど、な、セクシードレス(?)をきさせていただきました!
Hudson. NY was such interesting and beautiful old town! I would love to visit again!
More pictres from the reception レセプションの写真はこちらからどうぞ! HERE!
Reviews of "Drag Queen" Exhibition at Davis Orton Gallery
On the way back to Boston, we stopped at quiant New England town Stockbridge, MA.
There, we found photo gallery of Clement Kalischer "Image Gallery". 93 years old photographer who photographed Weegee to Henri Cartier-Bresson. It was such honor meeting him and interesting to hear his stories back in the time!
ボストンのかえり道、古いニューイングランド地方の街、ストックブリッジによってかえりました。ストックブリッジで93歳の写真家Clement Kalischer氏のギャラりーをみつけ、なんと氏にお会いでき、ヘンリ カルティエブレッソンとあったお話、ウィージーのことなどと、いろいろ貴重をお話を伺えてすばらしかったです!
Me & Clement Kalischer / Clement Kalischer氏と一緒に1枚。
I photographed Mitt Romney (R) in Manchester NH, today (4.24.12). He launched his general election campaign against President Barack Obama after sweeping five primaries.
My first New York Times assignment is published on April 22, 2012! You can look at my photographs and read article here, my pics are front cover and third woman: Katie Brower of Amex! Please note byline in the photograph: KEIKO HIROMI FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES .... !!!!!!!!! soooo cool!
4月22日に私のはじめてのニューヨークタイムス紙からのお仕事の写真が日曜サンデーニューヨークタイムスに出版されました!写真と記事はここからご覧ください。 私がとった写真はフロントカバーと3番目の女性Katie Browerさんの写真です。写真クレジット:KEIKO HIROMI FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES .... !!!!!!!!! sooo COOOL!!
Before the real shoot with Ms. Brower, I ran a test/play shoot with a model of Eiffel tower. These are my favorites from my play time. Thank you very much for your encouragement and support as always...I will always remember the time we held our hands together and watched our little dog running to NYT with my photos....xoxo
today was 150th Boston Marathon.
I always admire runners, and their courage to take on this super challenging task. It was record high temperature in Boston, I could feel the heat as I stood in the shade. I could only imagin the how the runners must have felt,,,
Here are for quickies. I photographed some great smiles after finish line. Click here to see the smiles!
Men's Champion, Wesley Korir (Kenya) last spart. (finish time 2:12:40)
Women Champion Sharon Cherop (Kenya) last spart (finish time 2:31:50)
Seen behind Cherop is Jamina Jelagat Sumgong (Kenya), Finish time 2:31:52
I found an old photograph. This is where my grandmother grew up.
At that time, I just started to take a photo 101 class at my university in Boston, MA. While I was back in Japan for a break, my mother took me for a ride to explore countryside, where she used to visit every summer vacation. I snapped this photo without thinking much about it. Now, I feel that this photo reminds me of something I have forgotten for sometime....
2000年ごろ、千葉大楠にて。/taken around 2000 at Okusu, Chiba, Japan
my mother finally made it to Jaques's Cabarey!!!
Destiny Boston, My mom, Mizery, Seancy, Katya and Chris! ( L to R)
Postcards for Drag Queen Exhibition @ Davis Orton Gallery have Arrived!!
Drag Queen Exhibition
April 6- May 13, 2012
Artists Reception April 21, 2012 (sat)
I will be attending the reception, hope to see you there!!
I feel grateful to have this opportunity to exhibit my work at Davis Orton Gallery.
Special thank you to the Griffin Museum of Winchester, MA for their support and encouragement!
Drag Queen Exhibition
I feel soo shy that I took photo of myself in mirror!!! I dressed like a little kid!
I do love playing with mirror in my photo!
自分が鏡にうつった写真とっちゃった! キャーはすかしいわ。このトレーナーの着方まずいよね。。。小学生みたい。。
(photo taken on "Monadnock Street"/モナドナックストリートの撮影合間にとりました)
Thank you very much for all the beautiful people who work at Jacques.