President Bill Clinton in NH!
January 4, 2016, Nashua, New Hampshire, United States: President Bill Clinton campaigning for his wife, Hillary Clinton, at Nashua Community College.
President Bill Clinton in NH!
January 4, 2016, Nashua, New Hampshire, United States: President Bill Clinton campaigning for his wife, Hillary Clinton, at Nashua Community College.
September 5, 2015, Portsmouth, NH USA: Hillary Clinton Democratic Presidential candidate greets people on streets in Portsmouth, NH.
May 26, 2015, Burlington, VT, USA: Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT.) announced that he will seek the Democratic nomination for Waterfront Park in Burlington, VT. Seen with him is his wife Jane O’Meara Sanders.
May 22, 2015, Exeter, NH, USA: Hillary Clintons greets supporters outside of Water Street Bookstore at downtown Exeter, NH.
Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley campaigning at New Hampshire Young Democrats social hour at the Margaritas basement lounge in Nashua, NH on March 31, 2015:
Sen. Bernie Sanders joined the race, challenging Hillary Clinton!
Sen. Bernie Sanders campaigning at White Mountain Hotel & Resort in North Conway, NH on May 2, 2015. Sen. Bernie Sanders announced his candidacy for the Presidency on Thursday April 30, 2015, challenging Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential candidate, leaving New Hampshire Technical Institute, Concord's Community College in Concord, NH onApril 21, 2015.