September 6, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at press conference during Labor Day Weekend Harley Ride at Milford, NH.
Donald Trump
April 27, 2015: VFW Post 5791, Hudson, NH: Donald Trump, Republican Presidential candidate, campaigning VFW Post 5791 in Hudson, NH.
Hillary Clinton
May 22, 2015, Exeter, NH, USA: Hillary Clintons greets supporters outside of Water Street Bookstore at downtown Exeter, NH.
Bernie Sanders
Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT.) announced that he will seek the Democratic nomination for president at Waterfront Park in Burlington, VT on May 26, 2015.
Selfie with Chris Christie
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie campaigns with his wife Mary Pat, (Right) at "Tell It Like It Is" Town Hall at Londonderry Lions Club in Londonderry, NH on April 15, 2015
Martin O'Malley
Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley campaigning at New Hampshire Young Democrats social hour at the Margaritas basement lounge in Nashua, NH on March 31, 2015: